Before Sign Up

Before Sign Up Riduck

If you fall into any of the following categories, we strongly recommend using Riduck:

  • If you are into road biking and are interested in improving your performance.

  • If you use a bike computer (speedometer) and a power meter or heart rate monitor to record your riding data, or if you use smart trainers.

  • If you have a keen interest in scientific training based on power data.

  • If you participate in various cycling competitions and aim for meaningful results.

  • If you ride more than 100 km per week.

However, if you don't record power and heart rate data separately or if you don't use Strava, or if you don't regularly ride your bicycle, Riduck usage may not be suitable for you.

Please feel free to provide the additional text you mentioned, and I will be happy to assist you further.


To use Riduck, you will need the following equipment:

A bicycle equipped with a power meter or a smart trainer

Riduck processes and analyzes riding data based on "power." To provide meaningful analysis, power data is essential.

Bike Computer

A bike computer is essential for recording riding data, including power, speed, cadence, and heart rate. Before purchasing one, ensure that it supports "1-second interval power recording."

Most models from well-known bike computer manufacturers such as Company G and Company W support 1-second interval recording.

Heart Rate Monitor

Heart rate is another critical metric that reflects your body's condition during the ride and is essential for accurate data analysis.

Last updated