Based on power and FTP the 7 power zones, divided into specific areas, have unique training effects for each zone.
Riduck divides the zones and analyzes riding activity data as follows:
Zone1 / Active Recovey
Active Recovery / Below 55% of Personal FTP
Exercise in this zone is very light, primarily used for recovery activities.
Zone2 / Endurance
Endurance / 56% to 75% of Personal FTP
Exercise in this zone helps improve basic endurance and activates metabolism using fat. Typically, during long rides - before sprinting in races or during endurance activities like randonneuring - most of the time is spent in Zone 2.
Zone3 / Tempo
Tempo / 76% to 90% of Personal FTP
This zone enables you to move efficiently and quickly while enjoying the activity, gradually depleting your stamina. It enhances basic endurance beyond the aerobic threshold, with a slight increase in heart rate and sweating.
Zone4 / Lactate Threshold
Lactate Threshold / 91% to 105% of Personal FTP
This zone involves high-intensity exercise, helping to improve the body's ability to process lactic acid produced during exercise.
Zone5 / VO2Max
Above FTP / 106% to 120% of Personal FTP
This zone involves extremely high-intensity exercise, helping to enhance maximal oxygen uptake capacity. Zone 5 and above are typically trained using interval formats, alternating between short bursts of intense exercise and rest, rather than sustaining efforts for a long time.
Zone6 / Anaerobic Capacity
Anaerobic / 121% to 150% of Personal FTP
Exercise in this zone demands extreme effort, aiming to enhance anaerobic capacity for generating momentary power bursts.
Zone7 / Neuromuscular Power
Sprint / Power exceeding 150% of Personal FTP
Exercise in this zone stimulates the neuromuscular system, utilized for moments requiring maximum output. Sustainable duration in the neuromuscular zone is very short, thus it is used only for brief periods in both training and actual races.
Each power zone is associated with specific training objectives, and training in the appropriate zone based on individual capabilities and goals is crucial. Additionally, since power zones are calculated based on FTP, regularly updating FTP is necessary to accurately conduct training tailored to one's objectives.