Manage Activity
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Last updated
You can manage specific activity data by clicking on "Modify" on the right side of the particular activity.
Activity management is available six hours after the activity is first registered on Riduck.
If you don't see "Modify" on your page, please scroll the list to the right.
If you have activity data from before joining Riduck or if you encounter any errors, you can click the "Update on Strava" button to refresh the riding analysis. Please note that any additional information you’ve added in Strava may be lost during this process.
If there has been a significant or sudden change in your FTP, or if previous activity analysis was based on an incorrect FTP value, you can reanalyze the specific activity using your current FTP value by clicking "Recalculate Activity".
By clicking the "Excluding Activities" button, the activity will be excluded from the FTP and peak power calculations. This allows you to make exceptions in case there are issues with the activity data or for other reasons.
If you have duplicate activities or need to delete a specific activity for any other reason, you can use the delete function by clicking "Delete Activity".