

Change Nickname

You can modify your nickname by clicking the pencil icon next to the displayed nickname.


You can check your registered height, age, and the date you started, and update your weight to match your current status.

Weight can be updated every 7 days. If you need to change other details such as height, age, or the start date, please contact us via email.

Weight is an important metric for various data analyses. Please update it regularly!



Please select the country where you currently reside or primarily operate.


Change the menu display language.

You can also change it via bottom of the page.

Region/Time Zone

Select the time zone for displaying times within Riduck.

By selecting a specific city, the time zone will be automatically set to match that city.


Choose which measurement system to use for speed display.

  • Metric: Use the International System of Units (SI) for various data displays. Displays will use km/h, m, etc.

  • Imperial: Use the Imperial system for data displays. Displays will use mph, mi, etc.

Account Information

You can check your Riduck ID and registered email or change your email.


If you wish to log out or delete your account, please use the menu at the bottom of this screen.

Last updated