My Status

Synchronized riding data allows Riduck to quickly assess your fitness and performance.

Race Rankings

Using your current FTP and TTE as a basis, Riduck compares your abilities with approximately 600,000 cyclists worldwide. You can check Riduck's racing categories and your percentile ranking among the top performers.

Clicking on "Race Rankings" provides detailed information, including race rankings, solo rankings, expected power, and estimated placement.

  • Common: It uses predictions based on a 3.5% uphill power difference that minimizes variations due to weight.

  • Race Rankings: It compares cyclists based on their 5-minute power, which is essential for strategies like drafting, breakaways, and chases in group rides.

  • Solo Rankings: It compares cyclists based on their 40-minute power, which represents the sustained power and endurance required for solo riding.


It is a value obtained by dividing the maximum oxygen intake per minute by your body weight. In Riduck, it displays estimated data based on synchronized riding data and data from measurement equipment.


Based on synchronized riding data, Riduck calculates and displays your current Functional Threshold Power (FTP).

When you click on FTP, you can review the changes in FTP over the past 12 weeks, as well as TTE (Time to Exhaustion) and the ranges for the 7 training zones.

For more details, please refer to the document below:

Maximum Heart Rate

Riduck analyzes the synchronized activities from the last 12 weeks and displays the highest recorded heart rate.

By clicking on Maximum Heart Rate, you can check the heart rate range based on the 5 training zones.

Clicking on the Maximum Heart Rate Activity (Strava icon) will take you to the Strava activity that includes that maximum heart rate.

Last updated