Keeps saying over-training

Please verify if the following applies if Riduck continues to analyze overtraining.

FTP is too low compared to the current skill level.현재 기량에 비해 FTP가 너무 낮은 경우

If the FTP is set too low compared to the actual skill level, a high TSS will inevitably accumulate even with low-intensity riding. Please perform an FTP test for accurate data processing.

If you mainly enjoy long-distance riding such as randonneuring and touring, it is rare to ride at high intensity, so it is advisable to periodically perform a separate FTP test.

When commuting by bicycle

Commuting by bicycle will inevitably lead to a higher TSS since the 'activity level' increases even if the intensity is kept relatively low.

In this case, please adjust the weekly TSS to an appropriate level through the training volume adjustment menu.

If power data cannot be trusted

Using various power meters on multiple bicycles or using a smart trainer can lead to device-specific discrepancies in power measurement.

We recommend using a single power source device known for its accuracy to standardize the measuring equipment and to perform zero offset (calibration) periodically.

If utilizing various power sources, please refer to the power match section for verification of these discrepancies.

Last updated