Cookie Policy

The Cookie Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") provides an explanation of how Riduck uses cookies. This "Policy" aims to provide clear information to customers using Riduck services, applications, and websites (hereinafter referred to as the "Service" or "Riduck Service") about why Riduck, a company operated by Riduck Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Riduck" or "Company"), uses cookies, for what purposes, and the options available to customers.

1. What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of text downloaded to your device when you visit websites and similar online platforms. Riduck and its affiliates use cookies to recognize and distinguish your device individually, allowing for a continuous and personalized experience.

General information about cookies can be found on the following website.

2. How Riduck Uses Cookies

Cookies are used for various tasks, such as efficient browsing across multiple pages, remembering previous settings, and enhancing the overall user experience.

Riduck uses two main categories of cookies: 1. Essential Cookies and 2. Optional Cookies.

Essential Cookies

Essential cookies are set either directly by Riduck or by third parties acting on behalf of Riduck.

These are technically necessary for functions like registration, login, payment, data synchronization, and form submission on the Riduck Service.

The use of essential cookies cannot be refused when using Riduck services.

Optional Cookies

To provide a smoother and more personalized service, Riduck or third parties acting on behalf of Riduck may set additional cookies beyond the essential cookies required for the Riduck service. These optional cookies include:

  • Performance Cookies: These collect information about how visitors use the Riduck service, helping to provide a more efficient service. For example, they may track how visitors find the Riduck website or app, count visits, test new designs, or improve page loading speed. Performance cookies do not include cookies used for behavior-based targeted advertising.

  • Functionality Cookies: These cookies store and remember customer preferences, such as selected language, residence area, and other choices, to provide personalized features and content. Disabling these cookies may result in the loss of saved options when accessing the Riduck service.

  • Targeting Cookies: These cookies collect information about customer browsing habits to understand their interests and may be used for promoting Riduck promotions, features, or events. While they are currently not displayed, they may be used in the future for showing relevant ads to customers and analyzing the effectiveness of those ads.

3. Partners Processing Data on Behalf of Riduck

Below is a list of companies that use cookies or similar technologies on behalf of Riduck to provide smooth service. This list may change from time to time, and while we strive to keep the information up to date, it may not always be entirely accurate.

4. Options for Managing Cookies

Web Browser Settings

You can allow, block, or delete cookies through your web browser settings. Please refer to the guidelines or help section of your specific browser for more information.

However, please note that if you choose to block or disable some or all cookies in your browser settings, you may not be able to use all the features of Riduck services.

Riduck may change this policy from time to time.

If there are significant changes to this policy, we will notify you through methods that are easy for you to understand, such as email or in-service announcements.

6. How to Contact Riduck

If you have any questions about this policy, the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, or any other inquiries, please contact us at the following email address:

Contact Email:

Last updated